Ron is a born and raised South Texan. He started his education by attending one of America’s top military schools, the Marine Military Academy in Harlingen, Texas, where he graduated as the Battalion Commander of the 500 plus cadet corp. His next stop was Austin, Texas, where he attended the University of Texas and became a Mechanical Engineer with a concentration in fluid dynamics. While obtaining his undergraduate degree, Ron worked as a lab designer for the University of Texas under the guidance of Dr. Phil Schmidt. After graduation, his first professional work was as a Manufacturing Engineer for Active Power in Austin. Problem solving and leadership in the areas of floor support and product quality was the focus.

In 2005, Ron was accepted into law school at South Texas College of Law in Houston, a private law school recognized for it’s trial advocacy program. While attending law school, Ron continued his engineering career by working for suppliers of Active Power and performing contract work for the oil industry. After graduating from law school, he passed the bar exam and began a solo practice. During this time, he also worked in cooperation with his father’s law office located in Brownsville, Texas. While building his litigation experience, Ron decided to combine his two careers of Engineering and Law and began studying solo to pass the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) registration examination. In June of 2008, he passed the Patent Bar and became a USPTO Registered Attorney. With his background as an engineer and now patent attorney, Ron was poised to practice law as a litigator in products liability cases and beyond.

In late 2008, Ron became so involved in cases he shared with his father that he decided to move to Brownsville to join the firm full time along with his wife and firm partner Amanda. He now manages a diverse array of cases including personal injury, family law, intellectual property and commercial litigation, to name a few. Aside from going head-to-head with large corporations like Wal-Mart and Ford, Ron has also litigated against the Federal government and is admitted to both the Southern and Eastern Districts of the Federal Court.

Currently Ron is working on his license to become a Professional Engineer and he eventually plans to start a Master’s degree program in engineering. He and his wife, Amanda, have opened a new office in San Antonio, Texas and have relocated there to increase the accessibility of The Armstrong Firm.